As we all know, the last couple of years has been hard on our landscape. The landscape committee met with Terra Verde to plan how best to replace the trees and plants with Hardier species. The layout is designed to reduce the number of plants to conserve water and give a cleaner look to the community common area. See the attached diagram with the placement of the trees and plants. We already had a couple of community members request we not plant a tree in front of their house. If you have lost a tree and are not interested in having it replaced, please let us know as soon as possible by submitting your response to The deadline for responses is February 1st.
Plants will all be 5 Gal in size and receive new drip lines
Trees will be 24" Box and receive new drip lines
Plants will be: · Red Lantana · Outback Sunrise · FireCracker · FireBush
Trees will be: Live Oak
Jim Warren and Chip Stoecker
Landscape Committee