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Hi everyone,

Hello spring! We are seeing seasonally-appropriate temperatures right now and have some consistent 90+ degree weather days in the forecast. The very warm days and cooler nights will push our flora into growth mode and with that will bring an increase in watering as well. Our water management team is tackling those adjustments weekly to both grass areas and non-grass areas. 

Trees are continuing to fill in as well as plants showing their colors. Maintenance crews will continue to elevate low tree canopies in our trim cycles. Tree suckers and volunteers will now be an ongoing task as well. We will get them removed as we come across them weekly. No rain in the forecast gives us the opportunity to clean storm drains that have no standing water around them and get those areas cleaned up and prepared for the next rainfall event.

Weed control is still a top priority, and we are tackling those weekly with our maintenance crews and our state certified applicators if needed. 

If you have any questions or concerns please don't hesitate to inquire and we will get you a timely reply.

Make it a great week!

Trim Cycle Rotations:

- The spring application of granite pre-emergent continues as we speak.
- Frost damage is being removed via pruning as we come through each cycle. That should be completed very soon if not already complete. 
- We are seeing tree debris from non-deciduous trees. The Live Oak trees, Sisso trees and soon the palo verde trees will be shedding foliage over the next several weeks.  

Water Management:
-  We are on a more spring-like watering schedule as the daytime temperatures continue to increase.                   
-  Grass area watering is 3-4 times per week right now in most cases and never the day before we mow as the grass tends to hold more moisture due to the cooler days and less evaporation. 
- If you notice evidence of heavy runoff or excessive watering, please inform us, as it may be a few days before our maintenance crew returns to the site.

Weed Control Work Order Notice : The maintenance crew submitted an internal work order for supplemental post-emergent weed control applications that are in excess of the legal amount the crew can carry on their trailers without a certified applicator. We do include a fixed volume of post-emergent herbicide in your weekly maintenance agreement and that was applied during our service this week, but the amount needed to treat the volume of weeds present is in excess of that amount and will need a higher-volume application by our certified technician. Per our maintenance agreement we will dispatch our technician, who will treat the affected areas and it will be a supplemental times and materials (T&M) charge as it has been in recent years. This treatment is expected to take place in approximately the next 3-5 business days. If your community chooses not to apply this treatment and incur the time and materials charge, please advise us in writing immediately. Be advised that we do find this treatment necessary for the desired aesthetics and weed control in your community.