Feb. 13, 2025

February HOA Board Meeting

Lagos Vistoso Homeowners -   The next HOA Board of Directors meeting will be held Wednesday, February 19th, 2025 at Mission Coffee and Tea – 2410 S Gilbert Rd, Ste C-7, Chandler, AZ 85289 at 7:00pm.  Attached is the agenda for the meeting.     (Please note that all Board Meetings will be held at Mission Coffee and Tea for the foreseeable future)   You can also participate via teleconference using the information below:   https://meetings.ringcentral.com/j/1499442901 For the best audio experience, please use computer audio. Or Telephone: 623 404 9000  Meeting ID: 149 944 2901   Please contact Heywood Management with any questions: hello@heywoodmanagement.com   Thank you,   - Lagos Vistoso HOA Board of Directors - Heywood Management  

Jan. 22, 2025

Responsible Pet Ownership

Responsible Pet Ownership HOA notified of Dog issues; it was recently notified that dogs were running around the park without a leash at the McQueen Gate north of Doral Dr. Although the HOA does not have specific rules in the CC&R for pets, we adhere to the laws and ordinances from Chandler and Maricopa County. The following are the responsible pet ownership reminders for Lagos Vistoso: Lagos Vistoso is a pet friendly community; the city provided the following information for our pet owners and their neighbors. These county/city regulations apply within all areas of Lagos Vistoso. Pets can be a rewarding addition to any family, but they come with responsibilities. Courtesy and respect are part of being a good neighbor and also are a necessity when it comes to pet ownership. Abiding by leash laws and cleaning up animal waste are important, as well as making sure that pets don’t disturb the peace by barking or howling at inappropriate times. Enforcement of most laws and ordinances involving pets is the responsibility of Maricopa County Animal Care and Control. They can be reached at 602-506-PETS (7387). The following is a summary of some animal laws and ordinances that apply within Lagos Vistoso HOA: • All dogs over three months must wear a collar displaying a current license. In addition, it is a good idea to attach a separate tag that lists your name, address and phone number. • Maricopa County’s leash law prohibits you from allowing your dog to run at large (off leash) outside your home property at any time, including your front yard. When you take your dog outside of its confined area, it must be restrained on a leash that is no longer than six-feet in length. No free running dogs are allowed in the county or on Lagos Vistoso streets, sidewalks, grass or other common areas. • Barking dogs can present a problem, responsible owners control the barking of a dog. Visit chandlerpd.com/bark for suggestions on steps to take, or call the Barking Dog Hotline at 480-782 BARK (2275). Animals must have access to clean, drinkable water. Water should always be provided in a container that can’t be tipped over or spilled. • Clean up your animal waste, doggie stations have been installed at HOA cost in many of the common areas. Dedicated Lagos volunteers fill the doggie stations with bags for your use and convenience. For more ordinance information, visit, pets.maricopa.gov or call 602-506-PETS (7387).

Jan. 22, 2025

GigaPower Information - Your Vote is Needed

Homeowners -    Lagos Vistoso HOA has an opportunity to bring in another fiber to the home (FTTH) vendor into our Association at no cost to the HOA.    Please review the attached Gigapower Presentation and click on the email link to cast your vote. Fiber.Vote@LagosVistoso.us Email Subject: Fiber Alternative Email Body: Yes (or) No    Please return your vote by January 27th.    The Board would greatly appreciate your input. Cast your vote today!    Thank you Lagos Vistoso HOA  

Jan. 21, 2025

Lagos Vistoso HOA Plant and Tree Replacement Plan

As we all know, the last couple of years has been hard on our landscape. The landscape committee met with Terra Verde to plan how best to replace the trees and plants with Hardier species. The layout is designed to reduce the number of plants to conserve water and give a cleaner look to the community common area. See the attached diagram with the placement of the trees and plants. We already had a couple of community members request we not plant a tree in front of their house. If you have lost a tree and are not interested in having it replaced, please let us know as soon as possible by submitting your response to landscaping@lagosvistoso.us. The deadline for responses is February 1st. Plants will all be 5 Gal in size and receive new drip lines Trees will be 24" Box and receive new drip lines Plants will be: · Red Lantana · Outback Sunrise · FireCracker · FireBush Trees will be: Live Oak   Thanks Jim Warren and Chip Stoecker Landscape Committee landscaping@lagosvistoso.us

Jan. 16, 2025

Holiday Decorations Reminder

Reminder to remove Holiday Decorations As a courtesy to our community, it is past time to remove any remaining holiday decorations. There are several homes that still have Holiday lights and Christmas decorations on display in their yards. Please take the time to take these decorations down ASAP.  Any decorations still up after this weekend may result in a violation being issued.  Thanks for your support, Jim Warren HOA President 

Jan. 10, 2025

HOA Board Meeting - January 15th, 2025

Lagos Vistoso Homeowners - The next HOA Board of Directors meeting will be held Wednesday, January 15th, 2025 at 7:00 pm. Location: Mission Coffee and Tea – 2410 S Gilbert Rd, Ste C-7, Chandler, AZ 85289 - Meeting Room Attached is the agenda for the meeting. You can also participate via teleconference using the information below: https://meetings.ringcentral.com/j/1499442901  For the best audio experience, please use computer audio.Or Telephone: 623 404 9000  Meeting ID: 149 944 2901 Please contact Heywood Management with any questions: hello@heywoodmanagement.com Thank you, - Lagos Vistoso HOA Board of Directors - Heywood Management

Jan. 7, 2025

Volunteer for the Board needed (CLICK HERE)

Looking for a volunteer to replace a board member that is resigning. One of our longtime board members is moving out of the community and has resigned from the HOA Board.  The board is currently looking for a volunteer who is a current Homeowner and in good standing to take this board members place at least until the next election in September.  If you are interested in serving your community and making it a better place, please send me your contact information and a brief bio about yourself. Thanks Jim Warren President, Lagos Vistoso HOA Jim.warren@lagosvistoso.us  

Dec. 19, 2024

Sprinkler Watering Schedule for Lagos Vistoso Common Areas (Winter)

Sprinkler Watering Schedule for Lagos Vistoso Common Areas (Winter) Grass east retentions - Tues. - Fri - Watering between the hours of 9pm - 5:30 am. Grass west retentions - Tues. - Fri - Watering between the hours of 4am - 8am. McQueen, Crossbow and Riggs - Fri. - Mon. - Watering between the hours of 9pm and 7am.

Dec. 16, 2024

Holiday Trash Bin Schedule Reminder

Holiday Trash Bin Schedule Reminder Because Christmas and New Year’s falls on Wednesday this year,   Trash pickup will move to Friday 12/27/24 for Christmas week and Friday 1/3/25 for New Year’s week.   Please do not place Bins out before 6 pm on Thursday and bring in Bins NLT 9 am on Saturday.   Note: if you are a homeowner that rents your property, please make sure the tenant is aware of the change in Trash pickup.

Nov. 18, 2024

Reminder - Political Signs

Reminder: Now that the election is over and in accordance with A.R.S. § 33-1808, political signs and flags should not be displayed later than 15 days after the general election.  Thank you for your cooperation with this. Lagos Vistoso HOA

Nov. 16, 2024

HOA Board Meeting - Wednesday, November 20th at 7:00pm

   Lagos Vistoso Homeowners -    The next HOA Board of Directors meeting will be held Wednesday, November 20th, 2024 at Tumbleweed Recreation Center - Saguaro Room at 7:00pm.  Attached is the agenda for the meeting.   You can also participate via teleconference using the information below:   https://v.ringcentral.com/join/247918502  Meeting ID: 247918502  Or dial: 650 419 1505  Access Code / Meeting ID: 247918502    Please contact Heywood Management with any questions: hello@heywoodmanagement.com   Thank you,   - Lagos Vistoso HOA Board of Directors - Heywood Management  

Oct. 15, 2024

Lagos Vistoso - Board Meeting

Lagos Vistoso Homeowners -   The next HOA Board of Directors meeting will be held Wednesday, October 16th, 2024 at Tumbleweed Recreation Center TRC Meeting Room at 7:00pm.  Attached is the agenda for the meeting.   You can also participate via teleconference using the information below:   Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: https://meetings.ringcentral.com/j/1499442901 For the best audio experience, please use computer audio. Or Telephone: Dial: (623) 404 9000    Meeting ID: 149 944 2901 Please contact Heywood Management with any questions: hello@heywoodmanagement.com   Thank you,   - Lagos Vistoso HOA Board of Directors - Heywood Management

Oct. 11, 2024

Community Garage Sale - Saturday October 19th

  Lagos Vistoso Community Garage Sale Saturday, October 19th 7:00 am – Noon Gates will be open to the public

Oct. 7, 2024

Lago Vistoso Lake Algae Updated (CLICK HERE)

Hello Everyone The algae in lakes 11 -14 went crazy on the 1st and is getting worse every day.  The algae has pretty much covered the entire surface of the water except where the aerators are pushing the water.  The lake smell at night is getting stronger by the day. I assume that is from the algae and no wind to dissipate the smell. This year we have endured the hottest on record. In 2023 we had 127 days over 100, with 55 of them being over 110.  So far this year, we have had 134 days over 100 with 80 days being over 110.The weather forecast indicates that we will not see below 100 degrees until mid October. Here’s hoping we do get a break in the heat soon! I understand that we have to be careful about using chemicals while it is still very hot.  I certainly don’t want more fish to die and all of the associated work and cost.  The new algaecide and a foam inhibitor will be applied later this week.  Hopefully the new algaecide will help us address the algae problem.     Thank you, - Lagos Vistoso HOA Board of Directors  

Sept. 27, 2024

Dead Fish

The algae has been a challenge this year. Doing small treatments was helping but the fear is that algae would keep growing and spreading into other lakes and cause even more problems. We did an algicide treatment on Thursday (27th) to address the heavy algae levels in some of our lakes.  We know the treatments will cause the oxygen levels to plunge when this kind of treatment is applied. The heat also adds another factor in lowering the oxygen levels in the lakes. The combination of the two can cause less hardy fish to die. Our lake vendors have been contacted and they will be removing  the dead fish as soon as possible.  Thank you Gary