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Responsible Pet Ownership

HOA notified of Dog issues; it was recently notified that dogs were running around the park without a leash at the McQueen Gate north of Doral Dr. Although the HOA does not have specific rules in the CC&R for pets, we adhere to the laws and ordinances from Chandler and Maricopa County.

The following are the responsible pet ownership reminders for Lagos Vistoso:

Lagos Vistoso is a pet friendly community; the city provided the following information for our pet owners and their neighbors. These county/city regulations apply within all areas of Lagos Vistoso.

Pets can be a rewarding addition to any family, but they come with responsibilities. Courtesy and respect are part of being a good neighbor and also are a necessity when it comes to pet ownership. Abiding by leash laws and cleaning up animal waste are important, as well as making sure that pets don’t disturb the peace by barking or howling at inappropriate times. Enforcement of most laws and ordinances involving pets is the responsibility of Maricopa County Animal Care and Control. They can be reached at 602-506-PETS (7387). The following is a summary of some animal laws and ordinances that apply within Lagos Vistoso HOA:

• All dogs over three months must wear a collar displaying a current license. In addition, it is a good idea to attach a separate tag that lists your name, address and phone number.

• Maricopa County’s leash law prohibits you from allowing your dog to run at large (off leash) outside your home property at any time, including your front yard. When you take your dog outside of its confined area, it must be restrained on a leash that is no longer than six-feet in length. No free running dogs are allowed in the county or on Lagos Vistoso streets, sidewalks, grass or other common areas.

• Barking dogs can present a problem, responsible owners control the barking of a dog. Visit for suggestions on steps to take, or call the Barking Dog Hotline at 480-782 BARK (2275). Animals must have access to clean, drinkable water. Water should always be provided in a container that can’t be tipped over or spilled.

• Clean up your animal waste, doggie stations have been installed at HOA cost in many of the common areas. Dedicated Lagos volunteers fill the doggie stations with bags for your use and convenience.

For more ordinance information, visit, or call 602-506-PETS (7387).